Friday, January 8, 2010

Goals in 2010

So for those who read my blog, here are some goals that I would like to accomplish in 2010 in regards to this blog.

1. I would like to do at least one craft project per month. With two children I think trying to do any more then that would seriously imped on my sanity as well as my childrens. I may accomplish more smaller projects but I want to do at least one big one per month.

2. Lose weight. It's that everyones New Years resolution? I just recently joined Weight Watchers and purchased some workout videos. Sean has also agreed to be my personal trainer. Although it is hard to mix business with pleasure! I hope to blog about it three times a week. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, those days are my strength training days.

3. Build my faith in Christ. Read more of my scriptures and Ensign articles. My goal is to read daily but blog about three times a week about insights and revelations I obtain.

4. Blog more about my family. Children only stay children for a short period of time and since I have forever sucked at writing a journal, hopefully this blog will become and memory bank of my children and our experiences together.

Here we go!

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