My life has gotten extensively more stressful these last few months. My sister and her two children moved in with us and I have been her full time daycare since July. Not only do I care for her kids when she is not here, she also lives here so they never really leave.
I love my sister but I wonder how much longer I can do this.
Any Advice?
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Today was a good day. Besides me sort of yelling at a crabby old lady at Walmart today, it was a good day. You are probably wondering about the old lady. Well, Sean and I were leaving Walmart and Lucas and Grace were walking. I stopped by the vending machine to get a soda and Sean, confused with what was going on, lost track of Lucas. Lucas was upset about not getting a cookie and walked through the doors and headed into the parking lot. I think that he thought that we were with him. Panicked, I yelled at Lucas to stop. This really crabby lady behind said "Geez!" really loudly. When I turned around she gave me the dirtiest look I have ever seen. I snapped back "Excuse me but my son was walking into the parking lot." Now I am not one to yell at people, even when they are really rude to me. I normally just try and shrug it off. But not this time.
I guess I am tired of people looking at me like I am some young mother who doesn't take control of her kids. I am a good person who loves her children and try as hard as I can to serve. I had money for the kids to donate to the Salvation Army ringer right outside Walmart. We were headed to the Post Office so I could send off my 12 inches of cut hair to Locks of Love. I do great things but I think that people take just one instance and judge me from it. In hindsight I probably didn't do the Christlike thing but I am learning that I do need to stick up for myself and people don't have a right to treat me that way.
Aside from that bad experience today was good. We decided to take an impromptu trip to the Mall of America and have the kids visit Nickelodeon Universe to ride some rides. They LOVED it. I guess it is a good thing that Lucas is freakishly tall because he got to ride some rides that kids his age don't get to. He really love the Splat-O-Sphere, a ride that takes you up and drops you and the Pepsi Ride, which is an actual roller coaster. Oh, did the three kiddos love it.
Isaac did the cutest thing today. Grace is shorter then the boys so didn't get to ride on some of the rides. I had Grace propped up on my knee and was holding Isaac in my arms so they could both see the riders. Grace was crying and Isaac, concerned, kept tapping Grace on the shoulder and then leaning forward to see her. When she would look at him, he would break out into a big smile. I couldn't believe that my one year old was showing compassion on his cousin. He is such a sweet spirit and it today it really showed. He had so much fun watching the kids ride the rides. What a amazing little guy.
Here are some pictures of our adventure! Enjoy!
I guess I am tired of people looking at me like I am some young mother who doesn't take control of her kids. I am a good person who loves her children and try as hard as I can to serve. I had money for the kids to donate to the Salvation Army ringer right outside Walmart. We were headed to the Post Office so I could send off my 12 inches of cut hair to Locks of Love. I do great things but I think that people take just one instance and judge me from it. In hindsight I probably didn't do the Christlike thing but I am learning that I do need to stick up for myself and people don't have a right to treat me that way.
Aside from that bad experience today was good. We decided to take an impromptu trip to the Mall of America and have the kids visit Nickelodeon Universe to ride some rides. They LOVED it. I guess it is a good thing that Lucas is freakishly tall because he got to ride some rides that kids his age don't get to. He really love the Splat-O-Sphere, a ride that takes you up and drops you and the Pepsi Ride, which is an actual roller coaster. Oh, did the three kiddos love it.
Isaac did the cutest thing today. Grace is shorter then the boys so didn't get to ride on some of the rides. I had Grace propped up on my knee and was holding Isaac in my arms so they could both see the riders. Grace was crying and Isaac, concerned, kept tapping Grace on the shoulder and then leaning forward to see her. When she would look at him, he would break out into a big smile. I couldn't believe that my one year old was showing compassion on his cousin. He is such a sweet spirit and it today it really showed. He had so much fun watching the kids ride the rides. What a amazing little guy.
Here are some pictures of our adventure! Enjoy!
Riding the Reptormobiles!
On the Wonder Pets Fly Boat!
The only ride Isaac went on!
The Splat-O-Sphere! Lucas and James loved it!
Riding the Dragon on the Merry Go Round
Of course they rode more rides but these are just highlights!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
I spent today reading all my old posts on this blog. How time flies. I captured some great moments but also a lot of memories are lost and forgotten. That makes me sad. I know that my sons will probably never care about what their first words were or when they got their first tooth or when they went to the bathroom all by themselves but I hope their wives will. Or at least, when they are all grown up and gone, I will be able to pull up this blog (hopefully one day made into a book) and reminisce. For that to happen, I need to be more diligent with writing consistently. Taking time out of my day to write on this blog. My craft blog, no problem, but this one, this one should be more important.
Today Lucas went to school. It is so nice to have a three hour break from him. I love my son but he can be a hand full. Don't let my last post fool you. Crista had the day off and she and James and Grace loaded up the car and ran over to the local laundry mat. This left the morning to just Isaac and I. It is quite nice actually. Isaac slept for most of the morning which meant that I got to sleep as well. My children religiously wake up between 6am and 7am no matter what time they went to bed or if they had a nap. It is quite frustrating actually. Sometimes I want to stay up so one would assume that if you keep your kids up then they will sleep in too. Not for my kiddos. So a nap was welcomed.
When Lucas got home I was in full swing cleaning the house. When you have a big black Newf around sweeping is a daily task. So I plopped Lucas down in front of the computer to watch a little Wonder Pets on Netflix (that right, I am that kind of mother). Lucas loves that show. He is into anything animal. Makes me think he might be a vet someday. He especially loves anything amphibian or reptile. Also bugs, Spiderman, Batman, you know, normal boy stuff. It makes shopping for Christmas presents more fun. Anyways, he knows the theme song of Wonder Pets but can only sing one line "Teamwork". So if you sing out "What's gonna work?" he will follow with "Teamwork." It is very cute. One time even, we told the kids to clean up the toys in the living room and Lucas started out singing "Teamwork" over and over. It is quite cute.
On another Lucas note, he is officially potty trained day and night. I have to say it is about time. I started around this time last year and although he has been day potty trained, it isn't until now that he is night potty trained. Sean remarked to me when we got home from the gym (Crista watched the kiddos) that we might be training a nudest because Lucas can get his clothes off but not back on. In the bathroom in a pile was his pj's and underwear. He got up from sleeping, took off his sleeper, went potty, didn't put them back on, and went to bed. I am just relieved that he wakes up, goes and gets back into bed.
Isaac has become a little climber. Always climbing up chairs, onto furniture, getting into things that he shouldn't. Lucas and Isaac actually had a minor fight over toys this morning. They were playing in their room and Lucas is willing to share his toys but only the ones that he wants to share. Isaac, not so found of that, lets his voice be known. A few weeks ago, I had given a sucker to Lucas and I don't know how he did it but Isaac, half Lucas's size, stole the sucker from Lucas. I went into the room and Isaac was sitting on the floor with a death grip on the sucker screaming at Grace and Lucas who were trying to get the sucker from him. I couldn't help but laugh. Isaac is showing that he won't be bullied by the older kids. If you try and take a toy from him, watch out, he will let you know that he is not happy.
I am planning on applying to nursing schools again. I have until February 1st. I am really nervous about doing this, I guess being rejected 2 years ago, has taken its toll. I just hope that the right will happen.
Today Lucas went to school. It is so nice to have a three hour break from him. I love my son but he can be a hand full. Don't let my last post fool you. Crista had the day off and she and James and Grace loaded up the car and ran over to the local laundry mat. This left the morning to just Isaac and I. It is quite nice actually. Isaac slept for most of the morning which meant that I got to sleep as well. My children religiously wake up between 6am and 7am no matter what time they went to bed or if they had a nap. It is quite frustrating actually. Sometimes I want to stay up so one would assume that if you keep your kids up then they will sleep in too. Not for my kiddos. So a nap was welcomed.
When Lucas got home I was in full swing cleaning the house. When you have a big black Newf around sweeping is a daily task. So I plopped Lucas down in front of the computer to watch a little Wonder Pets on Netflix (that right, I am that kind of mother). Lucas loves that show. He is into anything animal. Makes me think he might be a vet someday. He especially loves anything amphibian or reptile. Also bugs, Spiderman, Batman, you know, normal boy stuff. It makes shopping for Christmas presents more fun. Anyways, he knows the theme song of Wonder Pets but can only sing one line "Teamwork". So if you sing out "What's gonna work?" he will follow with "Teamwork." It is very cute. One time even, we told the kids to clean up the toys in the living room and Lucas started out singing "Teamwork" over and over. It is quite cute.
On another Lucas note, he is officially potty trained day and night. I have to say it is about time. I started around this time last year and although he has been day potty trained, it isn't until now that he is night potty trained. Sean remarked to me when we got home from the gym (Crista watched the kiddos) that we might be training a nudest because Lucas can get his clothes off but not back on. In the bathroom in a pile was his pj's and underwear. He got up from sleeping, took off his sleeper, went potty, didn't put them back on, and went to bed. I am just relieved that he wakes up, goes and gets back into bed.
Isaac has become a little climber. Always climbing up chairs, onto furniture, getting into things that he shouldn't. Lucas and Isaac actually had a minor fight over toys this morning. They were playing in their room and Lucas is willing to share his toys but only the ones that he wants to share. Isaac, not so found of that, lets his voice be known. A few weeks ago, I had given a sucker to Lucas and I don't know how he did it but Isaac, half Lucas's size, stole the sucker from Lucas. I went into the room and Isaac was sitting on the floor with a death grip on the sucker screaming at Grace and Lucas who were trying to get the sucker from him. I couldn't help but laugh. Isaac is showing that he won't be bullied by the older kids. If you try and take a toy from him, watch out, he will let you know that he is not happy.
I am planning on applying to nursing schools again. I have until February 1st. I am really nervous about doing this, I guess being rejected 2 years ago, has taken its toll. I just hope that the right will happen.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Today has been a great day. Besides my fabulous mother-in-law coming over so I could do some much need Christmas shopping at the local thrift stores, Unique and Good Will, Isaac and Lucas have hit some major milestones too.
We recently set up the Christmas tree and although it was the one-year-old I was mostly worried about, Lucas has proven to be a contender with him. They both love to take off the ornaments, play with them and put them back. I have stopped worrying about the perfection of the tree and try to enjoy their enjoyment and love of it. Isaac is so funny, when he goes over to the tree to start tinkering with the ornaments, I go "Isaac, no no no..." To which he looks at me, smiles, shakes his head "No" and continues right on touching. You can now get him to copy you when you shake your head at him. It is quite comical and lovely, however, it just reminds me how much Isaac is growing up.
Lucas has become quite a chatter box. I seriously love LOVE the special education program he is in. Not only do they make me feel like I am to best mother in the world and that I also have the greatest son, but they have made AMAZING progress with Lucas and speech in the short amount of time that he has gone to school. I could kiss each and everyone of them. Call me crazy but I feel that I need to give back to the school. The program that Lucas is in is totally free but I am very aware of the lack of revenue that is streamed into schools. Although Sean and I have very little, I still feel this great desire to give to the school.
Monday, Lucas got off the bus with the biggest grin on his face. Clutched in his hands was a bag labeled "Ms. Courtneys Class Snack Bag". You would have thought that Lucas had won the lottery with how hard he was clutching the bag. He loves to get assignments and will carry them out with joy and happiness. As every mother dreams of the time that she gets to take her child out and let them pick snacks for school (is it just me?) we headed to Walmart this evening to do just that. When we entered Walmart Lucas promptly stated "I walk!" Being just the four of us I obliged him. He does really well on his own. He had so much fun running around the grocery part of Walmart. We picked up bananas, had to steer Lucas away from the bakery, the cupcakes were just too tempting for him. Headed over to the crackers and cookie aisle where we picked up an array of goodies. Lucas honed in on a bag of Cheetos and proceeded to carry them all around the store, he even insisted on holding the Walmart bag with the Cheetos in it until we got home. We picked up some Lysol wipes for his class because they were on his classroom "wish list" and by buying them, I feel like I am giving what little I can back to the school.
I can see his personality really coming out. He is talking more (that comes with good and bad) and interacting with kids more. As a mom you really wish that you are instilling in your child good habits, a love and charity for others, a responsibility to follow rules and obey the law (in Lucas's case, mom's law!) Those things that made me cry in the past are almost all gone. I rarely have to worry about Lucas hitting or pushing, he is using his words much more now. He is using full sentences, his Grandpa McCabe taught him how to say his whole name "Lucas Daniel Meyer". It is so funny, when you as him what mommy's name is he says "Mommy Daniel Meyer." Ahhh, we will work on that. He is just a joy to be around. I really have had a hard time connecting with Lucas. Vocabulary is such an important part of bonding when children are this age. The age of cuteness has gone and there is a need to start bonding with your child on other levels.
I am so grateful of the opportunity that Lucas has to go to a special education school. Where he gets the help that he needs. He has truly become a new little man in just a short amount of time.
Well that is my thoughts for today.
We recently set up the Christmas tree and although it was the one-year-old I was mostly worried about, Lucas has proven to be a contender with him. They both love to take off the ornaments, play with them and put them back. I have stopped worrying about the perfection of the tree and try to enjoy their enjoyment and love of it. Isaac is so funny, when he goes over to the tree to start tinkering with the ornaments, I go "Isaac, no no no..." To which he looks at me, smiles, shakes his head "No" and continues right on touching. You can now get him to copy you when you shake your head at him. It is quite comical and lovely, however, it just reminds me how much Isaac is growing up.
Lucas has become quite a chatter box. I seriously love LOVE the special education program he is in. Not only do they make me feel like I am to best mother in the world and that I also have the greatest son, but they have made AMAZING progress with Lucas and speech in the short amount of time that he has gone to school. I could kiss each and everyone of them. Call me crazy but I feel that I need to give back to the school. The program that Lucas is in is totally free but I am very aware of the lack of revenue that is streamed into schools. Although Sean and I have very little, I still feel this great desire to give to the school.
Monday, Lucas got off the bus with the biggest grin on his face. Clutched in his hands was a bag labeled "Ms. Courtneys Class Snack Bag". You would have thought that Lucas had won the lottery with how hard he was clutching the bag. He loves to get assignments and will carry them out with joy and happiness. As every mother dreams of the time that she gets to take her child out and let them pick snacks for school (is it just me?) we headed to Walmart this evening to do just that. When we entered Walmart Lucas promptly stated "I walk!" Being just the four of us I obliged him. He does really well on his own. He had so much fun running around the grocery part of Walmart. We picked up bananas, had to steer Lucas away from the bakery, the cupcakes were just too tempting for him. Headed over to the crackers and cookie aisle where we picked up an array of goodies. Lucas honed in on a bag of Cheetos and proceeded to carry them all around the store, he even insisted on holding the Walmart bag with the Cheetos in it until we got home. We picked up some Lysol wipes for his class because they were on his classroom "wish list" and by buying them, I feel like I am giving what little I can back to the school.
I can see his personality really coming out. He is talking more (that comes with good and bad) and interacting with kids more. As a mom you really wish that you are instilling in your child good habits, a love and charity for others, a responsibility to follow rules and obey the law (in Lucas's case, mom's law!) Those things that made me cry in the past are almost all gone. I rarely have to worry about Lucas hitting or pushing, he is using his words much more now. He is using full sentences, his Grandpa McCabe taught him how to say his whole name "Lucas Daniel Meyer". It is so funny, when you as him what mommy's name is he says "Mommy Daniel Meyer." Ahhh, we will work on that. He is just a joy to be around. I really have had a hard time connecting with Lucas. Vocabulary is such an important part of bonding when children are this age. The age of cuteness has gone and there is a need to start bonding with your child on other levels.
I am so grateful of the opportunity that Lucas has to go to a special education school. Where he gets the help that he needs. He has truly become a new little man in just a short amount of time.
Well that is my thoughts for today.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
I know, I know, I totally sucked the whole writing everyday up. I can write everyday on my craft blog, but stunk up this one. Well, time for a new beginning. Today seemed like a fitting day because, it's my baby Isaac's birthday. Eeek! Where did the time go?
Let's start at the beginning:
Here is my baby all fresh and new. I was in labor from about 2pm on Monday November 2nd and had Isaac VBAC on November 3rd around 10:30 am. I had an infection in my amniotic fluid so he need to spend the days in the hospital in the NICU. No one got to seem him but Sean and I.
Brothers meeting for the first time. Lucas took really well to Isaac. He would bring him lots of toys and would try and share his food with Isaac. No jealousy or anything. What a relief!
After a day or two of being home Isaac became jaundice. Poor kid, had to spend day and night on the light. Poor mom too, I hated not being able to snuggle my baby!
Thanksgiving came and went (I didn't snap any pictures of Isaac, weird). Here is my baby at 1 month old. Pretty dang cute, huh!
Christmas is next! I have this crazy idea that a tradition I would like to start is making pj bottoms for my kids every Christmas. So far I have been diligent, however, they do need lots of work because they come out too small or too long, etc.
And then ofcourse, the traditional family picture around the Christmas tree!
Second month came and went. What a cutie pie!
Then February and my little ground hog boy!
March came sitting up and experiementing with cereal and....
Discovering your thumb!
April brought going to Florida and meeting....
Your two uncles and aunt plus two cousins for the first time!
May was Lucas's birthday and Isaac's half birthday. Hooray for Kokomo's in the good ole' MOA!
Yay! For six months of life!
June brought another trip to Florida this time to meet Grandpa for the first time! Also two teeth!
July was filled with trips to the park and even more teeth!
August was an exciting month because it meant that James and Lucas were going to a school in a month. We went to movies, MOA, hung out around the house and just played! Isaac is getting more mobile and crawling all over the place!
September and Lucas and Isaac are starting to play even more now! Playing in the laundry baskets is a favorite past time!
Also September brought the State Fair! Woo Hoo!
In October we chopped off all Isaac's hair plus it was also his first
Halloween where he went as a chicken!
And then we are back to November! Happy Birthday my big boy! I loved spending this last year with you!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Day 17
Rainbow doubled 10 coupons today. Got all of this for 30.00 and saved 100.00. Not bad ehh?
Went to Target and got this for 12.00.
Total spent today: 42.00
Total saved today: 121.00
I can live with those numbers!
Day 14
Isaac's second major "owie". I sat him down on the counter and he was too fast for me. He grabbed the razor and cut his little thumb. He didn't seem to mind however, he was just fascinated by the band aid on his finger. He kept trying to suck his thumb but I kept pulling it out, he was not happy!
I know it is supposed to be one picture but I couldn't help but post this one. Isn't he adorable!
Day 13
We took the boys to see this movie! Grandma and Grandpa McCabe joined in on the fun. Lucas liked it however, when they were in the incinerator Lucas actually hid his eyes. Isaac did well, fell asleep half way through!
Day 12
We called daddy at work and Lucas decided to share his food via the phone. He will also pick up books and try to show the person on the other line the book!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Day 11
Lucas loves all toy weapons. I have no idea where he got this love, but I guess it is just an ingrained boy trait. We went to Katie (Morales) Fults reception and Lucas thought that that was the perfect place to bring a shot gun. He carried it around the entire time. When we got back, Lucas saved us by getting all the flies on the shed. It also doesn't help that Lucas's new favorite rewind is Jumanji.
Day 9
Grace, Isaac and James! Those two just adored Isaac. Crista was telling James to get his shoes on and James said "But mom, the baby will cry and he needs me to make him laugh!"
Day 8
My dad got us into the Food Conference (he is in charge of the mess halls in Iwakuni). We ate lots of food and picked up lots of samples. It was a great day!
Day 7
We went to visit Pa-Pa at his hotel, had lunch with him and while he went to conferences, we swam in the pool! Much nicer then the beach I must say because, no sand!
Day 4
Out to lunch at Wendy's with Aunt Crista. Right after this I showed Crista the ins and outs of couponing. Let's just say that she is addicted!
I was down in FL this last week so most of the pictures involve my sister, her children, my dad and just Isaac!
Day 3
First day I was down in FL. Crist took me to a dinner with some of her friends and they had this adorable 5 week old pit bull. He was so sweet. I had to take a picture with him. (ps I don't know why I always look like I am grinning like a fool in all of my pictures!)
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Day 2
I thought at this was just hilarious. Every night before bed we read the boys a story. Lucas loves to look at the books when we are done. He always asks "Can I? Can I?" and reaches for the book. Isaac has taken an interest in the books, more for eating the knowledge!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
So a lady I know is doing this "A Year in the Life of The ____" as sort of a journal for her family. So, I am going to try this out. Everyday you take a picture of something mundane and then you write about it. So here starts........
A Year in the Life of The Meyer Family!
June 9, 2010
Isaac is such a smiley baby. Here he is hanging with mom while Lucas is laying down for his nap. What Isaac doesn't realize is that in about 10 minutes, Lucas's fate will become his fate!
7 months old
I can't believe a whole month has already gone by! My baby is 7 months old. Crazy! I was thinking the other day how if we want to have another baby and not have them that far apart, I am going to probably get pregnant in the next 7 months. Time just flies! I love not being pregnant but Sean and I both agree that our family needs some more members. Here are some pictures of recent happenings!
Isaac has become quite a charmer. Every passer-byer stops and smiles and coos at him. He in turn loves it and smiles back.
Here he is charming us again! (If you can't tell, he has two bottom teeth). What I love about this picture is that he has nice after-bath hair! Nice and fluffy!
Lucas decided that this was the best place to eat his cheese roll up. My oldest, he drives he crazy! Always into things and on things and in things...... But he is adorable! We have started to cut a few things like how much TV he watches, food colorings, processed foods and sugars in hopes that it will help with his attention, his language and his skin. From making an effort to include more healthy oils in his diet, the bumps on his face and ears have completely gone away! (Something we asked the doctors about when he was younger and they just said it was because of his skin being dry and we should bath him less and lotion him more. After trying that, nothing changed. Two days of just making sure he gets his oils, all clear!) His behavior is changing, we are no longer using TV as a way to contain him and are getting at the root of some of his behavior outbursts. He is talking a lot more and things just seem to be looking up!
The best part of this last month is seeing Lucas and Isaac bond. Lucas loves to blow raspberries on Isaac's tummy, show him books, be silly so Isaac laughs, asks "What happened?" when Isaac cries, etc. It is nice to see them getting along. I took the bumpers off of Isaac's crib (he is quite the mover now) and discovered that they are very good "blinders" when you have two kids in one room. Lucas's now goes to sleep in his bed while Isaac falls asleep on ours. When they are both out, we move Isaac into his crib. If not, we hear giggling and talking for a long time!
Okay, now this is just crazy. On chance, I managed to snap a picture of Isaac doing the same thing with a blanket as Lucas does. Weird, huh! I don't know, it must be genetic!
The worst thing that happened this month, Isaac got his first major injury! He fell off the couch (now I won't deny that this is the first time this has happened but this was the first with major damage). Now, don't think that I am some neglectful mother but when you are sitting on the couch, playing with your baby and your oldest needs a drink of water, you plan on just being gone for like, 30 seconds. I don't know how Isaac does it but he manages to fall off the couch in that 30 seconds. This time there was major blood because he fell in a way that ripped the skin that attaches your upper lip to your gums and skinned his lip. It bled and bled. Sean was home and being recently certified as a EMT took Isaac to do a little exam. I was so impatient. I was like, "Give me my baby so I can comfort him!"
Other then that, things are pretty mundane. Going to FL on friday, whoo hoo!
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